TOP 5 šogad lasītākie Neatkarīgās raksti angļu valodā

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Neatkarīgās šogad lasītākie raksti latviešu valodā apskatāmi šeit.

42 previously unknown hillforts have been discovered in Latvia

Over the last three years, researchers have discovered 42 previously unknown hillforts, which is much more than researchers managed to find between World War II and the present day. The number of new discoveries is likely to increase, as almost every week enthusiasts of ancient history receive information about possible, hitherto unknown hillforts in Latvia, which appear on laser terrain maps as earth surface changes that are similar to ancient fortifications.

Hillforts are the most visually significant type of Latvian archeological monuments, which have not only the scientific importance as archeological research objects, but are also vital to the cultural and historical landscape, the formation of local identity and national self-confidence, its development and strengthening, and as tourism products. Since the end of last year, the Latvian Academy of Culture (LAC) has been working on the research project “New discoveries of hillforts in Latvia 2018-2021: cultural and historical significance”, headed by the professor of the academy, archeologist, Dr.hist., Juris Urtāns. The project under the Fundamental and Applied Research Program will be carried out for one year and is funded by the Latvian Council of Science.

Within the framework of the project, the identification of new hillforts and the processing and compilation of the obtained data will continue, as a result of which a monograph will be prepared in order to include these new discoveries in the cultural environment of Latvia and the Baltic region as soon as possible. In parallel with the work of the project implementers in the archeological landscape, archeologists Juris Urtāns and Jānis Meinerts, a cultural sociological field study will be carried out - Rūta Muktupāvela, Ieva Vītola and Lolita Ozoliņa, researchers of the LAC Research Centre, are looking to find out the perception, significance and impact of the newly discovered hillforts in local communities. It is also planned to prepare documentation for the potential inclusion of the newly discovered hillforts in the list of state-protected cultural monuments. You can read the whole article here:

42 previously unknown hillforts have been discovered in Latvia

Turpinājumu lasi nākamajā lapā


Pāris dienas pēc Jaunā Rīgas teātra uzveduma “Arkādija” pirmizrādes tās režisors un teātra mākslinieciskais vadītājs Alvis Hermanis sociālajos tīklos formulēja izrādes vēstījumu “par entropiju un fizikas likumiem: Kurš vēl neredz, ka Latvija nu ir pārliecinoši iegājusi Nāves spirālē?”
