American journalist Seymour Hersh announced secret negotiations with the Russian Federation on Ukraine. According to Fox News, Hersh said that secret negotiations were underway between the Russian Federation and the United States, and Vladimir Putin announced Russia’s position on the peace agreement precisely after them. The journalist noted that the US authorities doubt Kyiv’s success on the battlefield, although they publicly support it. “The source told me that the likelihood of significant success for Ukraine on the battlefield remains low, given Russia's huge stockpile of troops and military equipment,” Hersh added.
Jautājums jau ir ko Rietumi un pat pasaule ir panākusi ar ilgstošo Ziemeļkorejas ģeopolitisko izolāciju un cik tāda veida kādas valsts izolācija atbilst mūsdienīgai ģeopolitiskai morālei? Un te Putinam atkal + jo Putins parāda ka var arī savādāk, iespējams arī rezultatīvāk un tātad labāk.
O, jā! Un tas viss no tā, ka Otrais pasaules karš nebeidzās Maskavā. Bet nekas, kļūdas, jādomā, tiks labotas.