On Thursday, November 4, in the second - final - reading, the Saeima supported the amendments to the Law on the Management of the Spread of COVID-19 Infection, which determine the regulation of employment relationships in cases when a certificate certifying vaccination against Covid-19 or the recovery from this infection is required. There were 52 votes in favor, 27 against and two abstentions.
Uz Neatkarīgās jautājumu par opozīcijas priekšlikumiem un idejām 2022. gada valsts budžetā atbild Latvijas Zaļās partijas valdes priekšsēdētājs, Saeimas deputāts (ZZS) Edgars Tavars
Korupcijas novēršanas un apkarošanas birojs (KNAB) sācis kriminālprocesu par kukuļošanu pret diviem Saeimas deputātiem saistībā ar “politisko tirgošanos” par amatu sadali Dobeles pašvaldībā, kur nupat nomainījusies domes vadība.
The Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB) has initiated criminal proceedings for bribery against two Saeima Members in connection with “political trading” for the distribution of positions in Dobele municipality, where the leadership of the council has just changed.