Re:fake instead of Re:check

© Neatkarīgā

Unfortunately, right now we can see a complete degradation of the once leading Latvian investigative journalism site Re:Baltica, becoming a reputation polisher for the Vaccination Project Bureau and its manager.

Professional and ethical standards are being sacrificed to find arguments for defending the Vaccination Project Bureau and improving the reputation of its head, justifying the financial orgy of the Vaccination Bureau, Health Minister Daniels Pavļuts and those close to him during the common disaster - global pandemic. One of the examples of the degradation of professionalism is the publication “Who and how misled about the salary of the head of the Vaccination Bureau?”, on April 15, 2021, by Evita Puriņa, re:baltica/re:check, which gives the impression that one of the representatives of the Latvian quality press, the digital newspaper distributed false information about Vaccination Bureau management salaries.

Evita Puriņa's publication in Re:Baltica/Re:Check after the statement “There was widespread news in the media that the head of the Vaccination Bureau Eva Juhņēviča was paid more than 10 thousand euros for 40 days” said: “On April 8, the NRA portal reported that the head of the Vaccination Bureau Eva Juhņēviča has been paid 10,397 euros for 40 days' work." It is then stated that

"the news about the 40-day salary was republished by other media, the amount paid was discussed on social media."

The truth is that Neatkarīgā never claimed that such an amount (for 40 days of work) was paid to Eva Juhņēviča! With a manipulative text construction, the person who signed under the article on Re:Baltica gives a false impression that neatkarīgā claimed that such an amount (for 40 days of work) has ever been paid to Eva Juhņēviča, the head of the Vaccination Bureau. On the contrary, the Neatkarīgā publication (pictured) clearly states that such an amount was calculated for Eva Juhņēviča!


The news that E. Juhņēviča has been “paid” 10,000 euros was spread by another media - very influential in Latvia - for reasons unknown to us, which Re:Baltica apparently is afraid to turn against and does not want to “expose”. Although, most likely, it was an understandable mistake to consider the words "calculated" and "paid" as synonymous.

However, according to Re:Baltica, the information provided to the government was not true!

Re:Baltica reports: "Misunderstandings have arisen because inaccurate information has been disseminated by representatives of the Ministry of Health (MoH) itself." It follows that Daniels Pavļuts or the former Minister of Health has brought together, under the leadership of the Ministry of Health, completely incompetent or criminal individuals who either failed to produce a truthful report to the government or deliberately mislead it! Discovering that officials related to the Vaccination Project Bureau and the Ministry of Health have misled the Cabinet of Ministers by submitting false figures in the State Budget or Cabinet expenditure allocation request, an objective investigative journalist should expose incompetence in the Ministry of Health and Vaccination Bureau and not spread lies about other investigative journalists.

Unfortunately, it must be concluded that Re:Baltica is beginning to become a lawyer and servant of the ruling clique of covidocracy.


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