Has Russia already sold everything it stole?

© Scanpix

Now that's how you lie and bluff! The amazement over the activities of Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov is unending: a few days ago, a meeting between the Turkish and Russian foreign ministers in Ankara, which was supposed to agree on a safe corridor in the Black Sea for grain shipments to leave Ukrainian ports, ended virtually without results. Lavrov's lies and hypocritical blabbing made the meeting unforgettable.

In order to get grain out of Ukrainian ports, the shipping lanes have to be cleared from mines. Russia has already done its part and now it is up to Ukraine to remove the mines, Lavrov said at a joint press conference with Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu. "We are ready to guarantee the safety of ships leaving Ukrainian ports", said the Russian minister.

When Russia promises security, it means the opposite: in this case, Russia will sabotage Ukrainian ships, but Russian propaganda channels will present it as an attack by Ukrainian forces.

The war that Russia has unleashed threatens to starve a large part of the world's population: more than 23 million tons of agricultural products are currently blocked in ports on the Black and Azov Seas, even though Middle Eastern and African countries are waiting for shipments of grain and other products.

That is not all. Since Russia has stolen hundreds of thousands of tons of grain from Ukraine, this stolen grain is already being sold, and consumer countries have been warned that "grain consignments exported by Russia could contain stolen grain obtained as a result of Russian occupation authorities' plundering", says the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry. The buyers are therefore accomplices in the crime.

The criminal plunder, export and use of Ukrainian grain means that Russia is violating the fundamental principles of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization - guaranteeing food security and overcoming hunger. But since the UN can do practically nothing to change this situation, everything remains as it was: Russia continues its tradition of looting and plundering.

At the press conference following the meeting between the Turkish and Russian foreign ministers, Muslim Umerov, a journalist for Ukrainian public television, asked Sergey Lavrov: "What has Russia already managed to sell, aside from grain, from everything that has been stolen from Ukraine?" "Could you repeat that," Lavrov asked, trying to get a few seconds to concentrate on his answer. The journalist repeated the question.

Lavrov: "You Ukrainians are always so preoccupied with what you can steal and from where. You think that everyone thinks that way. I will answer you. We are implementing the goals that have been announced publicly to rid eastern Ukraine of the suppression of the neo-Nazi regime. That’s what we’re doing. We explained today that grain can be transported freely to specific points, there are no restrictions on the Russian side. This requires Mr Zelensky to give the command - if he still commands anything there - for foreign and Ukrainian ships to pass into the Black Sea."

Of course, the hypocrite and liar Lavrov has never explained how he thinks the "neo-Nazi regime" manifests itself, but it is possible that he has once again mixed up the "addresses" and instead of the truly existing neo-Nazi regime in Russia he has seen the non-existent Ukrainian "regime". The other nonsense that Lavrov is coming out with is not even worth talking about.

But one thing needs to be clarified. Why does Ukraine not want to clear mines from, for example, the port of Odesa? Because the moment the access to the port of Odesa is cleared of mines, the Russian fleet will arrive there. Simple as that. So Lavrov's attempts to tell the naïve people that “there are no restrictions from Russia” and that Ukrainians can transport their cargo wherever they want in complete peace, are just empty words. Just as Lavrov answered the question back in March: is Russia planning to attack other countries? "We are not planning to attack other countries. We have not attacked Ukraine either," Lavrov replied. Yes, the earth is flat, and this has long been proven.

So remember: if anyone still has wants to accuse our rulers of lying or hypocrisy, remember Sergey Lavrov and the rest of Russia's marauding and murderous leaders - this is the level of lies that must be achieved for not only the masses brainwashed by Russian propagandists, but also for enough European leaders to fail to see the sinister connection: after Ukraine, other European countries may suffer too. Unless Russia is stopped already in Ukraine.


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