How not to damage your health with modern diets? Insights and tips from the late nutritionist Zigurds Zariņš

Zigurds Zariņš (1937-2022) © Jānis Saliņš/F64


High doses of protein supplements are dangerous during intense sports

Zigurds Zariņš: "In the opinion of the authors of this book, high doses of protein in the form of special supplements are not necessary. Instead, you can eat natural protein products (e.g. skimmed milk cottage cheese, cod), which contain all the essential amino acids and virtually no fat. These natural products are much cheaper than protein supplements. Protein powder should be diluted with water to approximately the consistency of cottage cheese. At least in grassroots sport, special protein preparations have no advantages in terms of concentration, composition or usability over appropriately selected natural protein products." ("Uztura mācība", p. 94)

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