Joe Biden starts with a firm left-wing course

© Scanpix

Joe Biden's inauguration ceremony, contrary to the anxiety it had previously fueled, took place in a relatively peaceful, solemn and, I must say, well-directed atmosphere. The new president himself gave a pretty good speech, promising to be the president of all Americans and to do everything to unite the nation. We can only wish him success, but looking at what is happening in the United States, there is little confidence that he will be able to curb the extreme poles of the political wings (especially the left) and find a central common denominator in the near future.

Immediately after the inauguration, Biden went to his place of work in the Oval Office and signed the first 15 orders. Among them was an order requiring all people to wear masks on federal property. A working group on the fight against Coronavirus is also being set up. This group will be something like the Vaccination Office planned by our Minister of Health Daniels Pavļuts, only with more powers and broader tasks.

Biden's emphasis on fighting the pandemic is enduring. Unlike the first weeks of vaccination in December, when the vaccination process ran into a myriad of bureaucratic hurdles, it is now on a solid footing and is approaching its target of one million vaccinated US people a day. Today, about 800,000 Americans receive the vaccine a day, and new vaccination outlets are opening in schools, churches, and other public places. With vaccination continuing at this rate, there is reason to believe that the impact of the pandemic may fall sharply in the spring. There is no doubt that Biden will record this success for himself and his "active fight against the Coronavirus," although Trump had already laid the groundwork for this relatively predictable success.

The moratorium on the foreclosure of real estate due to unpaid mortgages has been extended until the end of March, and it is planned to extend the break for repayment of study loans by September. But Biden's main step in mitigating the effects of Covid-19 will be to send a check worth $1,400 to every U.S. citizen (greetings to our MoF Reirs). This will be the third aid check for Americans. They received the first two from the Trump administration. It should be noted here that Biden's order alone is not enough to pay out these checks. These costs, like the entire 1.9 trillion aid package, must be approved by Congress, where major adjustments are still possible.

Biden has naturally suspended funding for Trump's famous wall on the Mexican border; renewed US membership of the World Health Organization and the Paris Climate Agreement; lifted Trump's travel restrictions from some Muslim countries and renewed the ban on the Keystone oil pipeline (from Canada to Texas).

In order to completely eliminate any lingering presence of Trump, all departments have been instructed to evaluate the federal regulations adopted during Trump regarding their harmfulness to human health and the environment, if they are not based on the best scientific (?) advice. Biden has also signed an order to bring justice to the federal government and eradicate systemic racism in federal programs and institutes. This order provides more opportunities for people with other (read: black) skin color. The Trump order, which limited the possibilities for public authorities to provide training in "diversity", was repealed. Now, on the contrary, federal staff will be trained in tolerance (everyone will have to take a "correct thinking" course and pass a test).

In other words, Biden's America begins to more and more resemble the Soviet Union half a century ago, when various committees, party secretaries set the tone and regular meetings were held everywhere in the workplace, where well-paid politicians explained how to "think right". With further acceleration, the course to create guilt in white Americans and eradicate "white privilege" in society will be continued. The question of whether a mandatory African-American shoe-kissing ritual will be introduced remains open for the time being, but the direction towards it is clear. Therefore, the hope that Biden will be able to unite both moderate left and moderate right is low, because the tone is currently determined not by the moderate, but by the extreme. And not the right, but the left.

For the time being, Biden's words are about unity and reducing divisions, but with his works, you can see that he is on the leash of left-wing radicals. His tolerance may be cooled by the demolition of Democratic Party headquarters in Portland (in the fully Democratic-controlled state of Oregon) by so-called Antifa activists, but expectations are low. At the moment, the initiative is on the radical side. One can only hope that the pendulum of history moves from one extreme to another, and now it is approaching its extreme left.