Washington takes over the strategy of a besieged fortress from Moscow

© Scanpix

It's not only infectious diseases that are contagious, but also bad political practices. Especially if these practices prove to be effective in achieving certain goals.

Some time ago, when economic growth in Russia began to stagnate and the support of the state leadership in society was falling, a new spinning practice was tried to recover the former support. It turns out that it is necessary to create tension in the country, a sense of a besieged fortress, and society will unite around those who pretend to be the leaders of this "besieged fortress". This practice is bad because people maintain relentless aggression, which worsens the climate in society.

This practice is now being taken over by the left-wing US Democratic Party. The situation surrounding the inauguration of the 46th President of the United States, Joe Biden, is fully in line with the atmosphere of a besieged fortress. Unprecedented security conditions during Biden's inauguration ceremony suggest that this is happening during a very real war. Police rows around downtown Washington, 25,000 National Guard troops inside that circle, closed subway stations, and a restricted movement in half of the city. However, if security measures are commonplace in today's world, then the novelty is the hysteria, almost panic, in the media and social networks. There is relentless maintenance of tension, scaring the public with right-wing extremists, fanatical Trump supporters who are ready for everything to prevent Biden from moving into the White House.

Was there any reason to believe that any serious attacks were planned during Biden's inauguration? The security services claim that there are, although it is a question of financial security for these services to maintain public confidence that there is a serious threat and without them, everything will go awry. Various rumors are circulating in the media and especially on social networks about people who allegedly tried to sneak into the protected area with weapons in the trunk of a car. These rumors travel in public space without aim, making it impossible to understand whether they are yet another fake news that saturate the social networks and Internet publications of all parties, or the truth.

Enhanced security measures are being presented to the world and society as a necessary defense against attempts by right-wing extremists, conspiracy theorists, and other trumpists to repeat the January 6 armed uprising. The left camp keeps trying to give special significance to the January 6 "Capitol Riots". This pointless, farcical event is being presented as no less than an attempt at a coup d'état, which must be treated with the utmost seriousness.

In that way it is also being treated by US law enforcement, and everyone who physically entered the Capitol on January 6 has been figured out to the last person. With their names, birthdays, addresses, and more. There is no one among them who could be considered a real conspirator with some serious, far-reaching plans. All of them, without exception, are distant from the real power, well-known weirdoes in certain circles, who behaved accordingly when they entered the Capitol building.

Anyone who questions the serious intentions of these "conspirators" dressed in furs and horns is immediately counted as bad. Maybe not quite as the enemy of the people, but something in that direction. Under these circumstances, Biden's inauguration is presented as a military operation that frees Washington and the White House from foreign occupiers. All this hysteria could be ignored, as long as the situation returns to normal in the coming days. All the more so because the Democrats now have their own president and dominance in both houses of Congress. However, my experience of political observations suggests that nothing will end. A comprehensive process of liquidating Trump's political legacy is likely to begin.

It is not just a matter of repealing specific Trump decisions. For example,

Biden has already announced that he is putting back into effect the restrictions on entry from Schengen countries and the United Kingdom, which were lifted by Trump last week.

Biden also promises to renew the US membership in the Paris Climate Agreement and make a decision that would allow families to be reunited, in the cases where one has reached the United States and the rest have remained in Mexico.

By the liquidation of Trump's legacy, I mean a broader process that includes further strengthening the ideas of ​​the left in the society. There is no doubt that the personal demonization of Trump continues with double vigor, intensifying efforts to demonize not only the entire Republican Party but any resistance to the tsunami wave of the new "cultural revolution". Even the left-wing "woke", BLM, "cancel culture" movement Red Guards are inciting themselves, repeating Stalin's favorite thesis that with the strengthening of revolution, resistance is only increased. Namely, with the removal of Trump from Washington, nothing ends, because his supporters still live, have not been destroyed, and therefore dream of revenge. To prevent this from happening, the trumpism snake must be destroyed at the root. The great socialist revolution must continue until their complete victory.

Over the next two years (until the next congressional election), events in the United States will be unimaginably interesting, but also alarming. The citizens of the United States have a very deep and strong democratic core, so I do not think that the American freedom-loving society will collapse so easily under the pressure of neo-Bolshevism. Most Americans are deeply unfamiliar with the left-wing extremists' view of the world around them, but it is the extreme left that is the loudest and most active. They blatantly impose their views on others and declare as enemies anyone who is not zealous enough to support new, revolutionary slogans. For example, one who does not feel guilty about their less dark skin color, does not condemn "white privilege" and "systemic racism".

Unfortunately, Americans, like other Western societies, have not developed immunity to the sweet siren songs of left-wing extremists. They have not tied themselves to the masts of ships, as Odysseus ordered people to do, so that they would sail past and avoid the temptation of these siren songs, so anything can happen. But let's hope for people's common sense. The United States has survived a lot and will probably survive a left-initiated cultural revolution.