Who got the 3 billion euros from Covid?

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In connection with the spread of Covid-19 in Latvia, an additional 3.062 billion euros have been allocated by August 31. However, regional hospitals do not hide the fact that the Ministry of Health owes them several million euros. Neatkarīgā researched who has received the 3 billion euros to reduce the spread of Covid-19 and overcome the crisis.

The lion's share (628 million euros) of the Covid billions went to state-owned companies, whose share capital was increased during the crisis, and to the State Revenue Service (799 million euros), which had to pay the downtime support.

In turn, 4.1 million euros were allocated for the creation of new beds and the purchase of medical equipment and additional items. Part of the Covid money was used for the purchase of personal protective equipment, antigen detection tests and pulse oximeters, as well as bonuses for employees of several ministries and their subordinate institutions for overtime and work with Covid-19 patients. Part of the population also received support.

To ensure the distance learning process, the Ministry of Education and Science was allocated 0.6 million euros and 4 million euros for technological support in general education institutions.

Covid-19 has also been used to fund a number of advertising and communication campaigns, the creation of a Vaccination bureau, and research worth 5 million euros.

Additional money allocated to reduce the spread of Covid-19 and overcome the crisis / Neatkarīgā

However, large financial resources have also been allocated to measures with a pretty remote connection to Covid-19, such as 0.4 million euros for the development of energy-efficient multi-apartment residential construction projects; 2.6 million euros - for the implementation of high readiness projects (construction of new fire depots in Aizpute, Dagda, Iecava, Ilūkste, Kandava, Priekule, Rūjiena, Saulkrasti); 2.5 million euros - for the implementation of a unified academic and scientific career system reform; 0.5 million euros for Rēzekne Academy of Technologies for the repair of the Faculty of Engineering building; 1.1 million euros for the construction of the performing arts decoration workshop and rehearsal hall complex of the State SIA Latvijas Nacionālā opera un balets; 75 million euros for the implementation of road projects, etc.

When publishing the results of the inspection on the use of Covid-19 money on May 18, the State Audit Office acknowledged that, in general, ministries and institutions have used the additional allocated funds in accordance with the purpose of their allocation. However, some measures do not show a direct link between State aid and the Covid-19 crisis management, the criteria defined for granting the aid have not been sufficiently economically justified, as well as other shortcomings.

The State Audit Office is currently auditing state loans granted to local governments to reduce and eliminate the impact of Covid-19 in 15 municipalities and two tax support measures for taxpayers affected by the Covid-19 crisis: accelerated refund of overpaid VAT; deferral of payment of taxes.

The complete list of additional funds allocated to fight the spread of Covid-19 in Latvia in 2020 and 2021 can be found here.


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