MP Gundars Daudze: To see how to correctly invest European money, visit Ventspils

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Conversation with Saeima deputy Gundars Daudze (ZZS).

Is the security measure imposed on Ventspils Mayor Aivars Lembergs proportionate?

I think that it clearly isn't proportionate. During his long investigation, he has been abroad several times, never breaking any rules. It is simply an obvious political retaliation. This is necessary to get rid of a political competitor - in the "best" traditions of our neighboring country, when thinking of the next elections. There was no justification in the court's ruling as to why this precautionary measure was used - he has not avoided his duties and does not intend to escape anywhere. It cannot be treated as anything other than political retaliation.

I have just read in the press that his wife tried to send him medicine, but he has been denied receiving it. Lawyers cannot contact him. This is even worse than the way things happen in some neighboring countries.

The Minister of Justice Jānis Bordāns (JKP) criticized the judge of Vidzeme District Court for the acquittal in the Magonis-Osinovskis case, which put brutal pressure on the court. At the same time, it was a hint that the court in the so-called Lembergs case would have some problems if a "wrong" judgment was announced. Regarding the statements after the judgment of Vidzeme District Court, the Council for the Judiciary indicated that saying such things is not acceptable. I hope that now too the Council for the Judiciary will inquire on why human rights violations are being committed against the Mayor of Ventspils.

There is also a letter signed by a large number of citizens to the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court requesting an assessment of the need for such a security measure.

There is no full verdict yet, but from what we know, Lembergs has not robbed the country. He allegedly extorted shares from entrepreneurs… “Racketeered the racketeers”?

As far as can be understood from the articles in the press, those were disputes between former business companions. Some were the first to decide that they had to testify against Lembergs, and they are now considered "victims". A kind of strategy - whoever attacks first and shouts loud enough, is believed more.

But the victims suffered for a very long time - it was only in 2008 that they remembered that they had been extorted in 1993-1995.

Basically, there should have been a statute of limitations, even if it was true. These are political interests and a civil dispute that has been turned into criminal proceedings.

The attack on Lembergs began on the very day when the ZZS named him their prime ministerial candidate. He had a great reputation, a very high rating not only in Ventspils, but throughout Latvia. And even now he has a very high rating in both Ventspils and Latvia. Lembergs is one of the few people who can go out on the street, turn in any direction and show something that has been achieved under his leadership. I remember what Ventspils looked like in the eighties and early nineties. But see how it looks now! Many people visit Ventspils like they were traveling abroad, imagining that maybe in the future their cities will look like that.

That is largely thanks to Ventspils municipality, not just Lembergs, but the whole municipal team that worked under his leadership. The city is clean and orderly, new objects were built and are being built now. You must first understand what is needed, then prove that it is needed, then realize it. The objects need to be not only functional but also visually attractive. Ventspils has, for example, the Olympic Center. There is the public Ventspils Music High School. I emphasize that it is a public educational institution. It seems to many that there is only the Concert Hall Latvija, but it is actually a music school, which also has a concert hall. Previously, the music school was scattered around the city in several buildings.

The online publication Re:Baltica has published a series of articles called "Chronicles of Mayhem" (Bardaka hronika), where the first article entitled "It seems to me that we are sleeping" contains links to the transcripts of government meetings. It turns out that ministers, high-ranking officials and Kariņš have discussed how to dupe the people, to put it mildly, - to "stretch the Covid mindset" until the end of the year when enough people are vaccinated, the health minister says anthropologists will give advice on whether to pay those who do not want to get vaccinated, but those who get vaccinated of their own free will won't be paid. The Prime Minister compares expired vaccines with old kefir. We at Neatkarīgā have also had publications on this topic (in Latvian). What is this? Has the government always talked like this?

I look at it with mixed feelings. In essence, I am against open government meetings, because open meetings are not discussions on the issue, but a campaign to look good in front of the public. Einars Repše once introduced public government meetings, but in the end, he admitted that it was a mistake.

There is too much cheap populism in the speeches and, unfortunately, in the deeds of the people's representatives. Because democracy ended with the introduction of open elections of the President, judges and the Prosecutor General. And elections of both KNAB and SAB leaders. Therefore, they are elected unanimously, because if you vote against them, you may get in trouble at some point. This already distinguishes elections from voting - elections are secret, but in voting, there is no choice on how to vote, otherwise you might become an enemy of an elected official. We are back in Soviet times. In this respect, this coalition of uncompromising lawlessness has little left to pursue.

However, the content of the public talks indicates the specifics of this coalition - in public they speak one thing, but when they are not heard, they speak something else, but they think and act in some third way. Hypocrisy and cynicism surpass any level that has been experienced so far.

Are the Covid restrictions reasonable?

Although I am in opposition, I can say about the Minister of Economics Jānis Vitenbergs (KPV LV) that he built a business before getting involved in politics and thus understands what small business means. He is the one who really defended small shops and small businesses, and because of him, small shops are open today. Because it is utter stupidity to allow supermarkets to be open, but not small ones. He defended local businessmen because small shops are local, but most supermarkets are owned by foreigners. He is the only minister about whom I can say anything good.

It is this minister, whom President Egils Levits recommends Kariņš to dismiss, perhaps without calling them by name and rather just hinting. But for the time being, Kariņš still needs Vitenbergs to have someone to blame if the spread of Covid increases.

This means that Vitenbergs is probably too independent and has logical thinking. Unlike several other members of the government. And competing politicians fear that he may become too popular.

But Kariņš sometimes speaks in such a way that each word can still be understood individually, but no one can understand what he is saying.

At present, the European Union is ready to give a lot of money so that countries can save their economies. There are disputes that not as much money was taken as we could have...

You have to take all the money you can get to invest in your local business. Those who say that the money will have to be returned do not understand that the money we take will no longer be the money that has to be returned. If money is invested wisely, it produces new money, prevents businesses from disappearing, provides the state with tax revenue and people's wages. We must take everything that is given, but it must be used wisely. If someone needs experience on how to use money wisely, you can easily ask Ventspils. There, each euro cent is carefully assessed as to whether it is worthwhile to invest or not.

How do you evaluate the payment of 500 euros for each child?

Positively. We - the ZZS faction - had submitted a bill to pay 500 euros for each child. Because in the current circumstances life is not easy for parents - there are additional expenses to purchase appropriate computer equipment for the study process, and other expenses too. Meanwhile, many parents' incomes have gotten smaller or completely disappeared.

The coalition realized that the bill had to be supported, and wrote the exact same bill, changing a few words. On the day when the draft ZZS law was on the agenda of the Saeima sitting, another emergency sitting of the Saeima was convened specifically before this emergency sitting, and in it was the proposal from the coalition for 500 euros for each child. That is the style of the ruling coalition.


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