During the discussions on the Latvian state budget for 2022, several politicians defended the size of the military spending in the Latvian state budget by scaring all Latvian citizens with the argument that military spending cannot be reduced because the "Pskov tanks" at the Latvian border are just waiting to destroy Latvia's independence.
On November 14, I had the opportunity to watch an interview with Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis on France24. The main problem that the Lithuanian Foreign Minister tried to explain to the global media audience was the difference between refugees and people trying to enter the EU illegally from Belarus this year.
Šodien aprit tieši pusotrs gads, kopš Neatkarīgā sāka iznākt digitālajā formātā. No 2020. gada 12. februāra līdz 14. aprīlim Latvijas pētījumu kompānija ar vairāk nekā 25 gadu pieredzi “Kantar” veica Nacionālā preses auditorijas pētījuma pavasara posma aptauju.
Today marks exactly one and a half years since Neatkarīgā started coming out in the digital format. From February 12 to April 14, 2020, the Latvian research company Kantar, with more than 25 years of experience, conducted a survey of the spring phase of the National Press Audience Survey.
The UN Climate Summit in Glasgow began on October 31 with the aim of "saving the world from a climate catastrophe". Earlier, the leaders of the world's 20 largest countries (G20) met in Rome, which the global climate activists tried to get to agree on the need to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius.
The current conflict between the European Commission and Poland quite clearly highlights the differences in the interpretation of the various legal provisions as to which rules are superior in the European Union. The EU Court's claims against Poland are not based on Poland's non-compliance with the EU Accession Treaty but on a new interpretation of the EU Accession Treaty. Judicial decisions at the European level (at least with regard to Polish judicial reform) now include provisions not explicitly provided for in the Accession Treaty. The EU Court of Justice now declares that the rules of the European Union take precedence over the constitutional rules of the Member States. Basically, the judiciary at the EU level is beginning to exercise tyranny over other branches of EU power.
This year, natural gas prices on European exchanges rose about 2.5 times. Although there are various assumptions about the reasons starting from the increase in economic activity caused by overcoming the crisis caused by the pandemic, ending with the increase in economic activity in Asian markets, the current rise in gas prices must be seen as a consequence of the protracted Russia-EU energy conflict. First of all, the position of the Russian government on the purchase and sale of transport services should be mentioned.
Last weekend, the unstoppable flow of Covid news was easily overshadowed by the latest global "exposure" of corruption or the so-called Pandora Papers.
On September 15, US President Joe Biden, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced the formation of a new strategic defense alliance, AUKUS (Australia, United Kingdom, United States). One of the results of this agreement was Australia abandoning the deal to buy French-made diesel-powered submarines for thirty billion euros.
Uz Neatkarīgās jautājumiem atbild beztabakas nikotīna spilventiņu ražotāja "Swedish Match" komunikācijas direktors Norvēģijā un Baltijas valstīs Nils Erlimo
Latvian Covid zealots are basing their vaccination support propaganda on lies and primitive manipulation. This conclusion follows from the data on people who have completed vaccination published last week by the Central Statistical Bureau and submitted by the National Health Service.
Last week, the 17th European Rogaining Championships took place in Otepää, Estonia, where Latvia was very widely represented. The World Championships have not been held for two years now, as the 2020 World Championships were hosted by the US Orienteering Federation, but foreign travel to the United States is still limited. Consequently, world-class competitions have not taken place during Covid.
Pagājušajā nedēļa Igaunijā, Otepē notika Eiropas rogaininga čempionāts, kurā ļoti plaši tika pārstāvēta Latvija. Pasaules čempionāti jau nenotiek divus gadus, jo 2020. gada pasaules čempionātu uzņēmās rīkot ASV orientēšanās sporta federācija, bet ārzemnieku ceļojumi uz ASV joprojām ir ierobežoti. Līdz ar to pasaules mēroga sacensības kovida laikā tā arī nav notikušas.
Until the start of the pandemic, a cruise from Riga to Stockholm was a very accessible entertainment option for the weekend. All you had to do was buy a cruise ticket from Riga to Stockholm.
Līdz pandēmijas sākumam kruīzs no Rīgas uz Stokholmu bija ļoti pieejama izklaide nedēļas nogalē. Atlika nopirkt kruīza braucienu no Rīgas uz Stokholmu.