Labākie fotomirkļi, kuros iemūžināti putni

© 2017 Bird Photographer of the Year Awards
© 2017 Bird Photographer of the Year Awards
© 2017 Bird Photographer of the Year Awards
© 2017 Bird Photographer of the Year Awards
© 2017 Bird Photographer of the Year Awards
© 2017 Bird Photographer of the Year Awards
© 2017 Bird Photographer of the Year Awards
© 2017 Bird Photographer of the Year Awards
© 2017 Bird Photographer of the Year Awards
© 2017 Bird Photographer of the Year Awards
© 2017 Bird Photographer of the Year Awards
© 2017 Bird Photographer of the Year Awards
© 2017 Bird Photographer of the Year Awards
© 2017 Bird Photographer of the Year Awards
© 2017 Bird Photographer of the Year Awards
© 2017 Bird Photographer of the Year Awards
© 2017 Bird Photographer of the Year Awards
© 2017 Bird Photographer of the Year Awards
© 2017 Bird Photographer of the Year Awards
© 2017 Bird Photographer of the Year Awards
© 2017 Bird Photographer of the Year Awards
© 2017 Bird Photographer of the Year Awards
© 2017 Bird Photographer of the Year Awards
© 2017 Bird Photographer of the Year Awards
© 2017 Bird Photographer of the Year Awards
© 2017 Bird Photographer of the Year Awards
© 2017 Bird Photographer of the Year Awards
© 2017 Bird Photographer of the Year Awards

Britu ornitologi izvēlējušies šī gada labākās bildes, kurās iemūžināti putni.